How does renting a bike work?

Choose your favorite bike

We have many different types of bicycles. You will quickly realize that when you step into our store. Choose the bike that suits you best and of course it is always possible to try it out!

Choose what you want to include

We also rent extra things if you are interested in them. You have the choice of an extra helmet, Repair kit or bike insurance.


We require a deposit for the bikes! The deposit is 50 euros per bike and you will get it back at the end of the rental. This is possible to pay with cash or card.

Keys + Map of Valencia

If everything is in order you can now get the key to the bike. Our colleagues will explain how the locks work and get them ready for you! You will also receive a map with the highlights of Valencia if you wish.

Our Products

What is included?


All our products are rented with padlock included. Except for the scooter, because you can't lock it.


All our products have a light. So that you can drive safely in the dark.

Map of Valencia

A map of Valencia. So that you can enjoy Valencia to the fullest.

Extra Rental

Prices are for each day



Want to ride a little safer? Choose one of our helmets. It is not necessary to wear it in Valencia, except if you are under 12 years old or if you are planning a trip outside the city of Valencia.
Reperation Kit


A repair kit full of practical tools. This is in case you are away from our store and have a flat tire, for example. Fortunately, this doesn't happen very often, but it can always happen.


If the bike is stolen, you have to return the entire 350 Euro. This often happens, but it can happen anytime. If you want to feel more secure, you can take out insurance. If your bike is stolen, and you are insured, you will only have to pay back 50 Euros instead of 350 Euros.

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